Monday, December 6, 2010

5 Star Review for Granny Boo

Tales from Georgia., November 28, 2010
By Edd Voss "Edd" (Springdale Wa) Granny Boo ~ Legacy of the Puma Man (Paperback)

I can't really call this a post apocalyptic book; it is more of a post meltdown story. No nuclear attacks causing mutations, society just went through a major meltdown. To survive it Brian, takes his wife and daughter to live in a cave hidden deep in the mountains of Georgia. Using the skills that he learned from an old woman named Keechie, Brian keeps the history of the Muskogee Indians who once lived in the area alive. This book is more of a testament to the culture of the Indians than it is about the post meltdown society. The story is rich with tales of the rituals and societal structure of a tribe that was transplanted from Georgia to the Indian Territory that became Oklahoma. It also tells of the Muskogee story of how the tribe came to Georgia from far to the west. A fun read full of information and imagination.

Watch for Edd's latest book, "Rambling" - coming soon!

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